Sunday 7 December 2014

ESPN CricInfo

EspnCricinfo in for die hard fans of cricket. Whatever exist about cricket out there its on Cricinfo. They have news about cricket world, Live scores of cricket matches. Summaries reports of cricket matches. There is audio commentary and live streaming of matches. You can even shop cricket stuff on the website.

You want news about the match go to website, If you don't have enough time or you have a busy schedule follow them on social media and you will get all the reporting of matches going on, internationally, even about domestic cricket. They gives updates on social media, Facebook twitter after every half an hour approximately. You follow them and you will feel yourself connected to cricket world.

They share post of cricket legends all the time and it can be really helpful to improve Game.

Facebook:   Cricinfo
Twitter:        @ESPNcricinfo

World Affairs!

Internet have made the world a global village. Tons on information is accessible on internet. New/Information spread faster than ever. If you are in any part of the world and want to know any information about opposite end of world you will get it in seconds. And some time it is important to know about other places around the globe maybe you have some connections, friends, relatives etc. over there. Or you may have lived over there, Or you may have passed or passing through same situation as other people going through so to be more interactive with people you have to know how they, what they do etc.

worldaffairsjournal gives you headline stories from all around the globe to see how the same new is reported differently by different media outlets around the globe. Moreover world affairs features blogs of leading journalists all round the world. 

Follow them on Twitter: @WAJournal 
Or like their FB fan page:  WorldAffairs


For technology professionals its important if not it is interesting to get to know whats happening in different technologies around the globe. Its interesting to know back stories behind the technologies we use everyday.
What are the pro and cons of it? And how can you implement the usefulness of these technologies in your daily life? Will you be compatible/comfortable to use technology or not? 

That's what extremetech do. It provides you the information about recent technologies development around the globe. It even provides deal of gadgets.

In 2004-2005 they even published technology magazines. Extremetech provides all sort of technology news like, about cars, mobiles, internet, computing, electronics, weaponry, aeronautics etc. Extreme Tech is reliable  as it's writers are technocrats themselves, seeking to answer the unanswerable question of technology. They just don't look at technologies but they even look behind the scene and explore the concepts that drive these technologies.

To be updated with recent Tech News follow them on 
Facebook: Extremetech
Twitter:  @ExtremeTech

Lamborghini ...... Luxury Sports Car

Lamborghini is an Italian brand it not only produces sports car but marine engines too. Lamborghini is famous for its powerful engine, vehicle design and speed. Lamborghini sports cars are two seated mid-engine and they are more angular in design.And it favors all wheel drive.

Lamborghini with V12 engines has speed of 356 km/hr, Lamborghini vehicle name was Reventon model 2008-2010. This was the fastest speed recorded by any Lamborghini. Lamborghini 2014 model has two lines: Aventador with powerful engine V12 has capability of 349 km/hr. and Huracan powered by V10 engine has a max speed of 325 km/hr

Follow Lamborghini on,
Facebook: Lamborghini
Twitter: lamborghini
Instagram: lamborghini
Googel+: +Lamborghini

There is no sincerer love than the love of food --George Bernard Shaw

We eat food when we are hungry, even when we are not. Eating is fun, We all are familiar with the concept of needing fuel to keep going on. That is what food to us a fuel for our daily life activities. Eating a healthy balanced diet provides nutrients to your body which in turn gives you energy for the day. You can go out to eat whatever you want.

I will Quote "Kevin James" : There is no better feeling in the world than warm pizza box on your lap.

 But cooking is being more passionate about food, to make food perfect. Its about imagination and creativity about food, What can you make from these ingredients? How will food taste if I replace or change these ingredients. Yes it is a creative work. It just don't have any rules, Infinite possibilities exists.

All Recipes provides food recipes of almost every kind of food Asian, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Thai, Mexican and lot lot more you just name it. They have videos for recipes, magazine and they introduce top chef every week.

Follow them to get new recipes, learn cooking

Facebook:  allrecipes                                         Twitter:@Allrecipes
Instagram:   allrecipes                                         Google+ : +allrecipes

SearchSecurity "Protect Yourself"

Hacking is a technical effort to manipulate the normal behavior of network connections and connected system. In current era when we are so independent on technology for our daily life businesses, we rely on computers, mobile phone and tablets e.t.c. And when it comes to Giant corporations there is strong need to secure company information from any kind of misuse. And it is true that There is nothing secure on Network. New Viruses and Malicious programs got written every second. People these days are getting so careless to put their personal and financial information on internet that they need protection from Black Hats out there.

Search Security  is an IT Security Platform which in co-ordination with TechTarget provides breaking industry news, virus alerts, new hacker threats, security certification training resources, security standard compliance, webcasts, white papers, podcast all at no cost!

Follow Search Security on:

Facebook: SearchSecurity                           Twitter: @SearchSecurity 
LinkedIn : searchsecurity-com

Wanna be an Entrepreneur!

Entrepreneurship begins with an idea and it success depends upon how this idea is executed and built upon. Of course success doesn't come instantly and many times ideas are abandoned due to challenges and initial failures. But there are entrepreneurs who have proven their worth by succeeding against all odds. So, what is it that actually make ideas click and entrepreneur successful? What are the various qualities that successful entrepreneurs possess? Though each entrepreneur is unique in his/her own way but there are some characteristics that bind them together. And this what INC. is doing from 1979. Telling secrets of successful entrepreneur, How theses entrepreneur got successful? how had they executed their ideas? and what you should do to boost your business?

Inc. provides platform for entrepreneurs to work together, to make their entrepreneurship ideas grow stronger. They organize conferences and award ceremonies for growth minded learning entrepreneur to learn and network.

As Magazine INC. is very active on social media. Follow them to learn, How you can improve your business!

Facebook: Inc                                 Twitter: @Inc                         LinkedIn: inc.-magazine

Searching for property is a hectic work. You have to check the property with "LIST" of your requirements. And property these days is expensive so you should be very careful before buying new property. You have to analyze the benefits with the cost you pay. Nothing comes without pros or cons. Back in days when technology wasn't so much flourished looking up for the property was costly. You have to spend a great amount of your time if you want to buy your new dream house or an office additionally it would cost you fuel. And at the end of day you would not be even sure you wanna buy this property or not. And your hunt for the property would be limited to only few property a day or most probably you would be limited to a specific area for hunt on a specific day. There's when come zameen to make your search easy and reliable for your new property. Zameen is Pakistan number 1 real estate web portal, "That's what they Say", And it is!

You can find lots of houses, offices apartments, flats in fact a lot of good property on zameen. You can compare properties and can find yourself a good property. To be updated with recent property on sale in Pakistan you can follow them on social media!

Facebook: ZameenPK                 Twitter :@ZameenProperty

Sunday 30 November 2014

BRAC, Creating opportunity for the world's poor!

BRAC is non-government international development organization. Brac started as a limited relief operation in a  remote village of Bangladesh but soon it turned out to be leading international NGO. Brac believes in eradicating world from curse of poverty. Brac has developed support services in areas of human rights, social empowerment, health, education, economic empowerment, enterprise development, livelihood training, environmental sustainability and disaster preparedness.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "If I had (a mountain of) gold, I would love that, before three days had passed, not a single (coin) thereof remained with me if I found somebody to accept it (as charity), excluding some amount that I would keep for the payment of my debts." - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Hadith 334 

"Its not how much we give but how much love we put in giving" -- Mother Teresa

Brac operates in 11 countries including Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Philippine, Sri lanka,  Liberia, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Haiti.

You can donate BRAC to support cause eradication of poverty here, I Support Cause

To get updates about BARC developmental projects follow them on,

Facebook: BRACWorld                 Twitter: @BRACworld
Instagram:  Bracworld                     Pinterest: BRACworld

Saturday 29 November 2014

They Say, Health is Wealth!

Health is the most precious gift for life. Your health shapes you, it defines your day, it tells whether will you have a good day or a bad day, it define your mood swings your changing emotions. There are a lot of factors which actually can destroy health and are increasing in numbers day by day. We all know the popular saying that "Health is Wealth", By health we do not just mean the absence of physical problems/diseases only but it is a state of complete physical,  mental and social well being. The lost of health is actually loss of all happiness. To be healthy, there is need to  know which things are bad for your health, how you can avoid them, what should be your daily practices, why yoga/exercise/meditation is important etc..

The best website I personally like and recommend is Health, website is in a very nice format and there are really good articles on various health topics. is very active on social media, where you can get a lot of feeds, tips and yoga or exercise practices that can improve your health, So it will be good and healthy to follow them

On Facebook : Official Page Or Twitter : @goodhealth
To get RSS feed follow : RSS Feed

Tuesday 4 November 2014

3.1 Phillip Lim Collection, Top trending Fashion 2014

Fashion, always a fascinating genre and it never cease to amaze, struggle to look beautiful and smooth attract people. Fashion is a habitual trend in the style in which people dresses, and if you are a fashion admirer and want to be keep in touch with latest trends, then 3.1 Phillip Lim is the right choice. Phillip Lim products include clothing, eye-wears, handbags and shoes. Founder of the brand is Phillip Lim, two time award winner by council of american fashion designer(CFDA).

"3.1 is about clothes that refine instead of define. A refinement that's a bit classic in attitude, but imparts a sense of individual style, without looking or feeling forces. Confident, Chic, and most of all effortless" 
Phillip Lim.

To be in touch with 3.1 Phillip Lim's latest trends follow them on social media, 3.1 Phillip Lim is enthusiastically active on social media.

You can follow them on Facebook, Facebook Official Page.
Or on twitter, @31philliplim, On Google Plus +31philliplim
Instagram: 31philliplim

Tuesday 28 October 2014

A background check on social media.

Social media is  interaction among people to create and share content, exchange information through network.  From 1969, when first internet service provider company CompuServe started, to 2014 world of internet has gotten enormously large and its continue to do so every second. Back then there was not enough technology and lack of internet usage. As time passes by Internet started to firm its root deeper and deep. By 1997 there were one million websites. Blogging begins and first Instant Messenger by AOL lets user chat.

1. In 1999 first online social website Friends Reunited was founded, Idea behind Friends Reunited was to relocate the old school pals of Britain.

2. In 2002 second online website Friendster was opened to public of USA and it grew to 3 million users in just 3 months and AOL messenger users grew over 34 million.

3. In 2003 MySpace a clone of friendster and linkedin as a business social networking website started.

4. In 2004 Facebook was opened as social networking website for students at Harvard college, MySpace surpassed friendster in page view. Flickr opened image hosting website and Digg was started as social news website.

5. In 2005 Facebook launched a new version, YouTube  was founded and it started storing and retrieving videos,  ITV bought friends reunited.

6. In 2006 MySpace was most popular social networking website. Micro blogging and social networking website Twitter launched. Facebook expanded membership, open to anyone above 13 year old.

7. In 2007 Facebook initiated platform so, third party developers can make apps for the Facebook, Microsoft bought a stake in Facebook.

8. In 2008 Facebook surpassed Myspace in monthly unique visitors, and Facebook tried unsuccessfully to buy twitter.

9. In 2009 Facebook became most-used social networking site with 200 million people. ITV sold friends reunion to brightsolid limiter

10. In 2010 Facebook grew over 400 million users, while MySpace users declined to 57 million users. To compete with Facebook and Twitter, Google launch social networking with BUZZ

11.By 2011 Social media were accessible from virtually anywhere and had become an integral part of our daily lives.Public sharing of so much personal information via social media sites raised concern over privacy. MySpace was redesigned and updated to compete with the far more successful social networks Facebook and Twitter.

12. In 2012 social media has come of age with more people using smartphones and tables to access social networks. New sites emerge and catch on. The top ten social networks are Facebook, Blogger, Twitter, Wordpress, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, Tumblr, MySpace and Wikia.

13. In 2013  YouTube topped one billion monthly users with 4 billion views per day, and launched paid channels to provide content creators with a means of earning revenue.Facebook user total climbed to 1.11 billion. Twitter had 500 million registered users, with more than 200 million active.

14. In 2014,  more new Internet users ventured online with a mobile device – smartphone or tablet – than with a PC. People around the globe engaged heavily with social media, where three-quarter of the world's online population uses one or more social networking websites.