Sunday 7 December 2014

World Affairs!

Internet have made the world a global village. Tons on information is accessible on internet. New/Information spread faster than ever. If you are in any part of the world and want to know any information about opposite end of world you will get it in seconds. And some time it is important to know about other places around the globe maybe you have some connections, friends, relatives etc. over there. Or you may have lived over there, Or you may have passed or passing through same situation as other people going through so to be more interactive with people you have to know how they, what they do etc.

worldaffairsjournal gives you headline stories from all around the globe to see how the same new is reported differently by different media outlets around the globe. Moreover world affairs features blogs of leading journalists all round the world. 

Follow them on Twitter: @WAJournal 
Or like their FB fan page:  WorldAffairs

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