Saturday 29 November 2014

They Say, Health is Wealth!

Health is the most precious gift for life. Your health shapes you, it defines your day, it tells whether will you have a good day or a bad day, it define your mood swings your changing emotions. There are a lot of factors which actually can destroy health and are increasing in numbers day by day. We all know the popular saying that "Health is Wealth", By health we do not just mean the absence of physical problems/diseases only but it is a state of complete physical,  mental and social well being. The lost of health is actually loss of all happiness. To be healthy, there is need to  know which things are bad for your health, how you can avoid them, what should be your daily practices, why yoga/exercise/meditation is important etc..

The best website I personally like and recommend is Health, website is in a very nice format and there are really good articles on various health topics. is very active on social media, where you can get a lot of feeds, tips and yoga or exercise practices that can improve your health, So it will be good and healthy to follow them

On Facebook : Official Page Or Twitter : @goodhealth
To get RSS feed follow : RSS Feed


  1. Yeah, rightly said: "Health is wealth". And of-course nobody would disagree with it. Here, what becomes more relevant is: how we can maintain our health?

    How many people do exercise Or take ANY measures to maintain their health? Interestingly, America is World's Super Power and well distinguished in World's most developed countries but still America Tops List of 10 Most Obese Countries in the World :)

    So, what are your thoughts about maintaining our health?

    1. Being world's super power doesn't mean that you have all the healthy people of world. When it comes to health it is more of an individual effort, But what super power provides, It gives you information about diseases how to be safe from them, it can provide vaccines etc.., It can educate you how to be more healthy and physically fit.

  2. I agree, maintaining personal health is more of an individual's act which gets influenced by the circumstances like availability of parks, health & medical facilities etc. etc....

    Here, let me rephrase my question particularly keeping in view situation in Pakistan: People in Pakistan have got least of the facilities mentioned above. Inflation and poverty are on the rise, clean drinking water isn't available, so what people need to do to maintain good health??

    1. They should be extra cautious, as underdeveloped country it is hard for government to provide health facilities on large scale, So, Eradication from poverty should be top priority than health for Government. However so people should do help their fellow citizen as mush as they can !
